What are Operations Careers?
By basic definition, operations careers involve supporting, directing, and actively manipulating the day to day functioning of a company or business. When you are working for the U.S. military, you are essentially offering support and expertise in your chosen field to military personnel, soldiers, and even civilians. In some cases, you could find yourself on the front lines of battle working with friendly foreign forces while in other cases you could find yourself working behind the scenes in less dangerous, yet very important ways.
Each arm of the U.S. military has its own version of special ops forces which are highly trained to handle some of the most dangerous and important aspects of military command. That is why it is extremely difficult to become a soldier in the Army Special Forces, ''Green Berets'' and other arms of the U.S. special ops forces.
The Green Berets
The Army's Special Forces are commonly known as the ''Green Berets,'' and they are a great starting point for anyone interested in operations manager jobs. No matter what your specialty may be or what your reasons for considering the military are, there is now more opportunity to join the Army Special Forces than ever before.
For those already in the military, you are eligible to apply for special ops once you reach a ranking of E-4, up to E-7. If you are not already enlisted, then there is a special enlistment program that will put you in consideration for the Special Forces training. This program is called the 18X Special Forces Enlistment Program and it is the Army's way of admitting those interested in special ops, whether they eventually make it to operations manager jobs within the Special Forces or not.
The hardest part of being admitted into the Special Forces is the aggressive physical fitness test. Of course, everyone who wants to join the Army must go through a fitness test, but if your goal is to join the Special Forces you will have to train harder than anyone else and you will have to develop a thicker skin for pain than everyone else.
What to Expect in Training
Training for operations management jobs is quite vigorous for the Special Forces. You start with a beginning phase which teaches you the basics of being a soldier. You will also be sent to jump school before you are officially granted the chance to take the assessment course which will eventually qualify you for operations management jobs.
Later during the assessment, you will be exposed to the Mountain Phase of training, which teaches you the hardest parts of surviving and leading troops through some of the most difficult terrain in the world. The training is grueling and the days all run together when you go through this type of training, but the prestige and pride that comes at the end is more than worth it, if you can make it that far.